Maarten Vanden Eynde

Enough Room for Space - About


Enough Room for Space (ERforS) is an interdependent art initiative that initiates and coordinates events, residencies, research projects and exhibitions. ERforS tries to act as freely as possible, always putting the context and the idea before the medium, challenging the barriers between different disciplines (artistic, scientific or activist). Every project is initiated and coordinated by different artists and / or curators.

ERforS wants to expose, manipulate and invent different processes being part of this constant changing world. How do we position ourselves, as Homo Sapiens Sapiens, towards emerging social, political and ecological issues, now and in the future? By working in different cultural contexts worldwide, ERforS tries to find its position and generate discussion. Because these aims often depend on unexpected and unpredictable combinations of people, institutions, locations and disciplines, ERforS also supports these processes in becoming productive, more solid and long-term working relationships.

As a continuous support behind the different temporary projects, ERforS Head Quarters in Belgium provides a constant space for production, presentation and research, including two residency spaces and a work / presentation space.

Founded in 2005 by Marjolijn Dijkman and Maarten Vanden Eynde

Project Initiators:
Amelie Bouvier
, FR (Uncertainty Scenarios 2014 - 2015)
Kristof Van Gestel, BE (Performing Objects, 2014 - 2015)
Annette Schemmel, DE (Formatting Utopia 2008 / Present Perfect 2009-2014)
Toril Johannessen
, NO (The Invisible Hand, 2012)
Maaike Gouwenberg, NL (Georgia Here We Come! 2006 / Curator Curator 2008-2009)
David Maroto
, ES (Corrillos 2008-2009)
Martijn Hendriks
, NL (Los Angeles Works 2008)
Marina Vischmidt, US (Contrapolis, 2008)
Inga Zimprich, DE (Happy Hour, 2006)

Marjolijn Dijkman (Uncertainty Scenarios 2014 - 2015 / Performing Objects, 2014 - 2015 / Present Perfect 2009-2014 / Elixir, 2013 - ongoing / The Invisible Hand, 2012 / LUNÄ (2011 - ongoing) / Smooth Structures, 2010 / Corrillos, 2008-2009 / Localisms, 2008 / Formatting Utopia, 2008 / Please, Excuse our Appearance, 2007 / The Annex, 2007 / History of Tomorrow, 2007 / Happy Hour, 2006 / Georgia Here We Come!, 2006 / ERforS in Filiale, 2005)

Maarten Vanden Eynde (Back to The Future, 2012 / Smooth Structures, 2010 / Landscaping, 2009 / World Wide Wonders, 2009 / Curator Curator, 2008-2009,  Los Angeles Works, 2008 / History of Tomorrow, 2007 / In Varietate Concordia, 2006 / Georgia Here We Come!, 2006 / The Residents, 2005)   
