Maarten Vanden Eynde

One Day I Will Make A Work For You (2014), Meessen De Clercq, Brussels, Belgium, 2014 (photo: Philippe de Gobert)

One Day I Will Make A Work For You (2014), Meessen De Clercq, Brussels, Belgium, 2014 (photo: Philippe de Gobert)

'One Day I Will Make A Work For You One Day I Will Make A Work For You' is a promise for sale. A new work is offered to a collector, without specifying size, material or even production date. It is created with or inspired by materials that are used to create a product or service that relates to the profession of the collector, a specific architectonic location related to the buyer, such as a house or factory, or even a way of living and thinking characteristic of that same buyer. This experimental way of acquiring art facilitates the creation of a new work by sharing materials, experience, time and energy instead of the exchange of a finished, physical work. The result is an original artwork that could not have been made without the interaction between the collector and the artist.