Dreaming in Everywhen looks at nature as a source of spirituality and wonder that is currently at risk due to the climate crisis and subsequent the loss of our own habitat.
Since the dawn of time, nature has played a key role in human religions, cultures and traditions. Nature used to connect people with one another and with the supernatural. The power of natural phenomena was awe-inspiring, and was often translated into gods and rituals. In animistic religions, people are spiritually connected with the animals and the landscape around them.
Today people seem more remote from their origins than ever. Douglas Rushkoff typifies the changing relationship to nature with a reference to the seventeenth-century English philosopher and statesman Francis Bacon and his idea that science should “take nature by the forelock,” hold her down and submit her to our will. But whereas in our arrogance we consider ourselves fairly well protected against natural disasters, and have perfected the extraction of food and resources from nature, one small virus has recently taught us a new lesson in humility.
More and more people now realise that the violence we are inflicting to nature is a threat: to the physical foundations of our existence, but also to our spirituality. It is questionable whether we have enough time left to reverse this process.
With an elaborate exhibition design the exhibition space is transformed into a pristine white space. The map that accompanies the exhibition is your guide that will make you follow a path through a plane of salt. Walking on a black catwalk you can traverse a flooded landscape. The scenery that is created in the exhibition has an apocalyptic feel on the one hand while at the same time it radiates a sublime and supernatural atmosphere. The floorplan of the exhibition shows a very symmetric image. It could be the floorplan of a temple or the outlines of a prehistoric settlement. The exhibition Dreaming in Everywhen shows us the value of nature as a source of religion, connection and wonder.
Due to the recommendations of the Dutch Health Authority RIVM, a maximum of 4 visitors are allowed to the exhibition.