The exhibition, developed by La Kunsthalle in Mulhouse and the Museum für Neue Kunst in Freiburg im Breisgau, originated in the observation and comparison of these two cities, which are geographically close and yet very different in many ways. Their contrasted realities suggest that their proximity may only be geographical, while other external factors accounted for divergent developments. Works shown in the exhibition at La Kunsthalle aim at transcending regional particularities to reveal the universality of observation. Mon Nord est Ton Sud (My North is Your South) is built on the idea of diversity across areas and how these areas are perceived differently. Geographic, political, social and economic areas are both independent and complementary. They exist at individual and collective levels, and above all they are the real or virtual places of subjective experiences, complex relationships and dual situations. In partnership with the Museum für Neue Kunst, which is hosting the exhibition Your North is My South until 7 October 2018, a bus service will operate between Mulhouse and Freiburg im Breisgau to allow visitors to see both exhibitions.
Maarten Vanden Eynde, Malachite Mobiles (Nokia 3310), 2015
Maarten Vanden Eynde, Malachite Mobiles (iPhone), 2015
Maarten Vanden Eynde, Malachite Mobiles (Samsung), 2015